
Monday, September 5, 2016

As they start unloading the tank I'm like, "Oh they must being adjusting it for weight before they take off..." NOPE, took the whole tank out. Why did i expect this tank to be shoved out of the back of the plane midflight?
Despite my love for that tank design.... I wish they put a diesel engine rather than a turbine engine in it.... I mean you could get similar top speeds and acceleration... for far less fuel consumption.... and MUCH better range, those girls have to stop every 140km to clean the intake filters during low wind desert conditions, while a diesel could do half the fuel tank before needing any intake maintenance.
But the heat signature from the exhaust is much smaller, and both run on diesel while you drive around looking for them in your piston engine, manually hand cranking the stone age Soviet turret in your bargain barn T-72, they’ve already found you and you are dead.
Fake Urban Meyer No, having worked on them, I know they run on a mixture that. You wouldn't put in your Car. Diesel doesn't insight if you throw a match in a bucket or a bundle of it. This stuff is nearly as flammable as aviation fuel. It's similar to what helicopters run on. But that's not the problem. The problem is the reliability of that engine, and the fuel consumption is monstrous. While the Challenger 2 cycles down to 1 cylinder when stopped and 2 for slow stealth runs. The Abrams is using as much fuel stopped as she does at top speed. Plus, the challenger 2 gives off far less heat. The heat sink panels designed to reduce the heat signature mask the engines heat perfectly on a diesel like the challenger at low to half speeds. The turbine engine in the Abrams gives more power and torque, but so much more heat. The Brits thought about experimenting with turbines in the Challenger LEP (life extension programmer) but the added fuel cost was not seen as viable, and the engine reliability was not acceptable, it was seen as that we were taking a chieftain and giving it a new hull... (We never got even half those things running at any one time while in the German base....)

Always wondered, how did the US moved the bulk of tanks and equipment for the invasion of Iraq? Was it by boat or planes? Does the us army own huge container ships or do they rent when needed? I'm sure all amphibious assault carriers couldn't take the hardware used in Iraq.
90% of all hardware in service in Iraq/Afghanistan we brought in by USAF C5's and C17's. Everything from pencils and M4s to Tanks and even helicopters are brought over via large Cargo Planes. We use Amphibious Assault Carriers and Littoral Combat Ships during invasions of contested land to bring equipment ashore via Heavy Lift Helicopters (CH53 Sea Knights), Landing Craft, and Hovercraft. Then, once a Forward Air Base is obtained or constructed, we begin to bring more equipment by means of C5's and C17's. The planes are cheaper, faster, and more efficient than the logistics necessary to load and unload, then distribute the goods across country from, a 40,000 ton Warship.
Am disgusted going through the comments, all the hate-mongering. Is there something about YouTube that makes people turn their brains off? I never have this problem on reedit.
Not going to happen EU and UN will force refugees down their throats unfortunately. Plus I think there have been enough terrorist cells established in EU that it's too late. You have an unarmed population, pacified men, and EU governments willing to stomp on anyone who isn't accepting of "Diversity". Euro zone is already dead but they don't even know it.

WHO PEOPLE CAN KILL OTHERE PEOPLE LIFE FOR ME THAT PEOPLE MORE THEN ANIMAL AND THAT PEOPLE SICK FROM BRAIN, war is lie and THEY USING YOUR KID LIFE TO BECOME death soldier, when you going to join this kind job YOU KNOW you going to killing other human life, they wash them brain oh you going to protect your country your family life it’s all bullshit, stupid dumb people world!!


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